PackageHub Pack-It Promise

Pack-It Promise

Pack It Promise

PackageHub® Pack-It Promise

The PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise is unique in its coverage of UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL shipments. Having more delivery choices means we need to deliver a bigger guarantee!

PackageHub Business Center Logo

All PackageHub Business Center® locations are held to the PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise. This promise guarantees that if your item is packed and shipped by a PACKAGEHUB® location, you will be reimbursed* if your item is damaged in transit.

Why we make this promise:

  • PackageHub Business Centers® require all locations to meet a strict set of packing and shipping standards to minimize the possibilities of damage occurring in transit.
  • Items packed by participating PackageHub Business Centers® are guaranteed to be packed by specially trained personnel.
  • Items packed by participating PackageHub Business Centers® are guaranteed to be packaged using only appropriate shipping boxes and packaging materials.

Does the PackageHub Pack-It Promise cost extra?

  • No! Other than the cost of materials, packing, insurance, and shipping, there are no additional fees.

The PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise only apply to:

  • FedEx Non-Freight Shipping Services.
  • UPS Non-Freight Shipping Services.
  • USPS Shipping Services.
  • DHL Non-Freight Shipping Services.

The PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise does not apply to:

  • Packages lost or stolen after the delivery has been made.
  • Packages delayed by circumstances beyond our control.**
  • Shipments made without purchasing Declared Value Protection or 3rd Party Package Insurance coverage from the PACKAGEHUB® location.
  • Items damaged that are excluded or restricted from transportation by the carrier or in violation of the carriers shipping restrictions or terms and conditions.
  • Packages not packed by the PACKAGEHUB® location.
  • Shipments packed using carrier-provided free packaging.

Don’t forget to declare.

It is the shipper's responsibility to declare the full value* of the item at the time of the transaction and to purchase Declared Value Protection or 3rd Party Package Insurance coverage for the declared amount. If the full value and appropriate coverage is not declared and paid for at the time of shipment, the maximum reimbursement for the item’s value will be limited to any coverage automatically provided by the carrier (if any).

* Customers must be able to document and prove the declared value in the event of a damage claim. Value can be documented with; bill of sale, purchase receipt, or current written appraisal.

How to submit a claim:

Each PackageHub Business Center® is individually owned and operated and therefore will have its own process when handling claims. In all instances, a claim form will be filled out if all criteria has been met. Additional documentation may be required throughout the process which can either be submitted in person, mailed, emailed or faxed (pictures cannot be faxed) to the original PACKAGEHUB® location. For more information, contact your local PackageHub Business Center®.

  • Contact or visit the PackageHub Business Center® location where you first shipped the item in order to start the claims process.
  • The receiver must retain the item and all packaging materials used during transit, as the contents and packaging may be required for inspection during the claims process.
  • Original receipts from the packing and shipping transaction may be required.
  • PACKAGEHUB® must receive notice of a claim due to damage within 60 calendar days after delivery of shipment.
* Restrictions and limitations apply.
** The PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise does not apply where late delivery or failure to deliver is due to circumstances beyond our control; this includes, but is not limited to, natural disaster, act of terrorism, civil commotion, customs delays, inaccurate or incomplete shipment information, delivery instructions or information (missing or inaccurate), or receivers request for delay.

The PACKAGEHUB® Pack-It Promise can be suspended, modified, or revoked at any time with or without notice, and at our sole discretion.